This is a game that works on cooperation and team work. There are two teams; a batting team and a fielding team. From the batting team, the first 5 students become the batters. They each have a frisbee and on “go” they throw their frisbee to the other side of the gym. After this, one student becomes the puller, one becomes the pusher, and three become the riders on a mat cart. They then see how many times they can go around the bases (on their cart) before the whistle is blown. While this is happening, the fielding team is collecting the 5 frisbees and once all 5 are in the crate, they then form a straight line and have to pass a gator ball over their head. Once the ball gets to the end of the line, the whistle is blown. The batting team scores a point for everyone base they go around. Because of this, the fielding team wants to be as quick as they can. After the whistle, 5 new batters are up, and the cycle continues.