Description / Objective: This is a dodge ball type game in which the Sheriff of Nottingham has been captured by Robin Hood and the Bandits and have hidden him somewhere in Sherwood Forest. The Sheriff’s deputies have a set time (4, 5, or 6 minutes) to enter Sherwood Forest, find the Sheriff and bring him back to their side before time runs out. This is a game for grades 6-12 to enjoy.
Equipment: Gator Skin Balls (plastic covered sponge balls), a lot of gym mats (that you stand up), and a “Sheriff” (i.e. Holiday decoration toy solder (the kind that light up).
Set-Up: The gym is divided into two equal halves. One half belongs to the Deputies and the other half is Sherwood Forest (this is where all of your mates are stood up). There is one mat that is stood up on the Deputies side. This is where all the Deputies hide behind before the start of the game (so that they cannot see where the Sheriff is hidden).
1) The class is divided into teams: One team = the “Deputies” and the second team=Robin Hood and the Thieves. The best number of players is about 7-10.
2) Each team receives an equal number of balls.
3) The “Deputies” start off hiding behind their wall…meanwhile…”Robin Hood and the Thieves” are hiding the “Sheriff” in Sherwood Forest.
4) “Robin Hood and the Thieves” cannot leave Sherwood Forest (they must stay on their side of the gym)
5) The “Deputies” have free reign to go anywhere on the gym floor.
6) Games last anywhere from 4 – 6 minutes.
7) Once the game starts, the ”deputies” must go into Sherwood Forest and search for the Sheriff of Nottingham, find him and bring him back to their side without getting out within the time limit.
8) The game is played with Dodge Ball rules. A person is “out” if they are hit with a ball (NOT in the head) or if the ball they threw is caught by an opponent.
9) Once a person is “out”…on either team…they must go to the “Bone Yard” (aka Grave Yard) where they are out for the remainder of the game (Option, you can have the people that are “out” do a fitness related activity).
10) The game is over when one of three things occur……
a. the “Deputies” capture the “Sheriff”
b. “Robin Hood” and the “Bandits” successfully defend the forest for the set amount of time.
c. All of the “Deputies” have been eliminated.
NOTE: Even if “Robin Hood” and all the “Thieves” are eliminated, the “Deputies” still have to find the “Sheriff” and bring him back to their side before time runs out.