Doesn>t everyone love pay day??? Using cones, mark off a running lane around the playing area. Students jog or run around the perimeter. The teacher stands with pay day money (many denominations of play money). Each time a runner passes the teacher, he/she collects a bill. It may be $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100. Runners collect as many bills as they desire. They may buy equipment with their money, depending on their amount of money possessed or what kind of equipment they desire. For example, stilts can be priced at $150 or a basketball at $90. Inflating prices makes it fun! They can use equipment in a designated area of the gym. I allow them to share money with a partner to buy a special piece of equipment or to just do laps and collect money the entire time. Often students will donate unneeded money back to me. This is a great game for fitness, money handling, financial decisions and specific skill practice.