In this game there are 2 teams and everyone has a flagbelt. 1 team is on offense and the other on defense. We play for 2 minutes and then we switch. The team that starts on offense has 3 people start behind the volleyball service line. These 3 people start the game. Each player has a gator skin ball . They are throwing the ball to teammates who are trying to catch the ball and then carry the ball or throw the ball to a teammate to throw it against the matt on the opposite end of the court. Any time the ball hits the ground it is dead and the ball goes back to one of the players behind the volleyball service line. The defense can stop the offense by pulling the players flag. If the offensive player>s flag is pulled when the have the ball they just give the ball back to a teammate that is behind the volleyball service line. Or they can stop them by the goalie blocking the ball. We play for 2 minutes then teams switch places.