A throwing game used for 2nd-5th. Place hula hoops on the perimeter of the gym. Inside each hoop you will have animals, critters or anything from you closet you want to use. Students on the same side of the gym belong to the same team. Down the center of the gym scatter the bowling pins. You can have 1 student per hula hoop or have them partner up. Students will throw the ball from their hoop toward the bowling pin. If they knock over the pin, they stand it back up and go to the opposite side of the gym and retrieve and animal to bring back to their hoop. When students miss the pin they simple get their ball and head back to their hoop. Game is over when 1 side has collected all the animals or time is up.
You can also play the game where each hula hoop is an individual team and the hula hoop that has the most animals in it at the end of the game wins.
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